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Up Coming Movies?

Upcoming Movies list:


Kingsman Secret Service: “New 007”

Furious 7: R.I.P. O’Conner

Avengers: Age of Ultron- No Strings Attached

Minions: “Banana yum, yum!”

Goosebumps: “just another ghostbusters”

Inside out: voices in your head

Mockingjay Part 2: why do you make us wait!

James Bond 24: Old Kingsman



Movies To Love And Hate

by Elsie Covarrubias


If I Stay

-  Four Stars 

  • Why did it end! Where is the sequel?!


Red 2

- Two Stars 

  • Over-the-top...


The Fault in Our Stars

- Four and a Half Stars 

  • Pass the tissues please.


The Purge

- Two Stars

  • Don’t open your door to a creepy mask!



-Four and a Half Stars

  • So, are all villains like this?


The Amazing Spider Man 2

- Three Stars 

  • Why are these still on?



-One and a Half Star

  • Inaccurate…


Big Hero 6

-Four Stars 

  • Robot hero… Cool!


Finding Carter is a television series about a girl who was kidnapped at the age of three, and tricked to believe that her kidnapper was her mother. Carter had been reckless with her friends and was arrested by the police. They were all taken to jail and put in a cell to wait for their parents. Carter was there over night and was awoken only to be told that the woman she thought was her mother, was not her mother at all. This television show holds suspense and truth, and is a beautiful representation of how pain can affect a teenager’s life.

By Emma Moran


Book to Movie Adaptations

Divergent - Veronica Roth

A young woman chooses to leave her family for a seemingly exciting life. She learns the hardships of the life she has chosen, the evil and the dangers of the government.


The Maze Runner - James Dashner

A young boy wakes up in an elevator, completely oblivious to any type of idea from his past. The only way he remembers is by being stung by the Griever, which is almost as painful as not remembering at all.




This show aired on September 22 on FOX. It has so far received many positive reviews:


“If future entries are more like the latter, better parts of the show... then it's going to be a must-see for anyone who likes Batman and superhero media.” Mark Hughes-Forbes


“Sure, cramming six villains into a single pilot is a bit much, and three of the six are glorified cameos, but Gotham has me chomping at my own fingers to see what happens next week. And that's the point of a pilot, isn't it?” Adam Bellotto-Film School Rejects

In hearing the word Gotham you may immediately think of Batman, right? Well, for anyone who likes Batman this show is for you. This TV series was conceived to tell the story of James Gordon on his early days on the Gotham City police force. This show will not only include Bruce Wayne’s character, but it will also tell the origin stories of several villains that appeared on Batman. The first season will consist of 16 episodes.


The “Pilot” gave the audience some riveting content and kept us wanting more. There are high hopes for this show to be great. Let’s hope it can live up to its expectations.


Young Adult

Matched - Ally Condie

An enticing dystopian novel about a controlled society where a group of young people are “matched”  to their lifetime partners at 17.


The Host - Stephenie Meyer

A sci-fi romance novel that takes place on an earth that is being controlled by aliens, knows as “Souls”.  


Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher

Hannah Baker committed suicide and when Clay Jensen finds an unknown box in his doorway with “thirteen reasons why” she committed suicide, he has to find out how and why he made the list.


Book Club

Looking for Alaska -John Green

Miles Halter is in search for his “Great Perhaps”. When he moves to Culver Creek, much awaits him, including Alaska Young. A clever, funny, screwed-up, and mysterious girl.


Please Ignore Vera Dietz - A.S. King

Vera has always loved her best friend. When their friendship ends and he dies in dark circumstances, will she get over her hate for her dead best friend and clear his name?


Required Reading

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

The tragic of the complex bond between two migrant laborers in Central California. They are George Milton and Lennie Small, itinerant ranch hands who dream of one day owning a small farm.


Night - Elie Wiesel

Night is a work by Elie Wiesel about his experience with his father in the Nazi German concentration camps at Auschwitz and Buchenwald in 1944-1945.

New Releases

The Infinite Sea - Rick Yancey

Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world. a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone.


Zodiac - Romina Russell

Embark on a dazzling journey with Zodiac, the first novel in an epic sci-fi-meets-fantasy series set in a galaxy inspired by the astrological signs.


Trust Me, I’m Lying - Mary Elizabeth Summer

Julep Dupree tells lies. A lot of them. When she comes home one day to a ransacked apartment and her father gone, Julep’s carefully laid plans start to unravel.


Holiday Books

My True Love Gave To Me: Twelve Holiday Stories

Loving, funny holiday stories written by amazing authors: Holly Black, Ally Carter, Matt De La Pena, Gayle Forman, Jenny Han, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Myra McEntire, Stephanie Perkins, Rainbow Rowell, Laini Taylor, Kiersten White.


Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor - Lisa Kleypas

One little girl needs a family. One man needs a wife. Sometimes, it takes a little magic… To make dreams come true. Three lonely people on the same crossroad will discover that anything can happen during Christmas.


By Elsie Covarrubias


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