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The Gerbiwi

by Misael Magana

  There was a contest, held nine years ago, on a website called In this contest, it asked anyone, who could, to make “Plantimals”. Now before anyone asks, “Plantimals” are photos of animals and plants being merged and morphed together, however some of the entries were great and some were sad, you know, not in the bad way, but, was in… you will see if you have not already read ahead or looked at the pictures first.

  Here, let me start with the top three entries of the first contest, sorry to the rest but there is a limit on how many words I can write, before I lose the little people who actually read this newspaper; well now to the entries. Let us start with number three, which was titled “Mars Flytrap” this one merges an unknown lizard and unknown insect trapping and eating flower. The thing has no lizard head because it was replaced and just the flower is there, and the flower opening has become the mouth of this creation to trap and devour any unsuspecting insect. Next, the second place entry is a merge between a Great Frigatebird and an unknown pink flower, but the finished product came out amazing and seems to look natural; not much else can be said but good job. Now, for the first place winner. If you haven’t guessed it yet, it is… “The Gerbiwi”.  

  This is a masterpiece and will make you say, “awwwww and aw”, both in the “awwww, it’s so cute” way and “awww, the poor thing” kind of way. It is a picture of a gerbil and a kiwi merged together, but the way the artist, renatodornas, shows you, the kiwi is the sad part that was mentioned. He cut up the gerbil into three sections and is showing you the inside, but he replaced its meat and organs with a kiwi texture. All in all, the entries were great and creative.

  There are a ton more “Plantimal” entries like: the banana snake, edible armour(Chockadillas) and many more; so go and check them out on and tell us which one is your favorite by writing it on a piece of paper and putting it in the Gwen and Lance boxes. It’s my way of pranking them, sad but it works; plus no one actually puts things in those boxes, but don’t forget to say it’s for the “Plantimal” poll, if anyone actually answers. Well, goodbye.



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