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Dear Gwen

    My mother is a neurotic control-freak! I start sweeping, and she will take over because I am sweeping the wrong way. Normally, I’d say, “Great- no chores”, but she then complains that I don’t ever do anything. AAH! What do I do?


    Always Slightly Imperfect


Dear Always Slightly Imperfect,

    I completely know where you’re coming from! My mother, like yours, is also a neurotic control-freak. However, I always try to put myself in her shoes. She gets home exhausted from work, so a clean house can mean the difference between a good mood and a bad mood. I think the most important thing to do with a control freak mother is to clean when she is away. That way, you get your chores done, but she won’t nag you that you’re doing it wrong. Once she sees the effort you put in to clean and help her out she will hardly notice that you swept the dirt under the rug, left streaks with the mop, or dusted with the wrong towel. She might even overlook the week-old, half-eaten sandwich that you keep forgetting to throw out. 

Hang in there!


Dear Lance,
Why do educational staff act so hypocritical against the Bill of Rights? They teach it to us, but never allow us to use it in schools?


Know Your Rights

Hello Know Your Rights,
    I’m right there with you. The First Amendment is a vital part of the protection of the American people and as the American people we should be able to exercise our first amendment. Though we should be thankful schools haven’t adopted the Patriot Act which states any American citizen can be locked up for an indefinite amount of time without a trial. Imagine that, prisons at school. Though with people like you at our school I’m sure that could never happen. If you feel strongly about this then create a petition against the school demanding for it to recognize our first amendment right. You hear that? I can hear history calling. The first school to recognize students’ freedom of speech, press, and peace petitions. Peace, love, and the ever calling screech of freedom, you could be on to something.

Keep the freedom fire alive,
Malcolm Lance

Dear Gwen,
    What do I do if I know someone who is hanging with the wrong crowd?


Dear Anonymous,
If this someone is a friend, you might want to have a talk with them. Careful, though! You don’t want to push him/her away by being too forward. Instead of trying to get him/her to stop hanging out with them, encourage them to hang out with you and your friends. It’ll feel less like you’re judging him/her. It’ll all work out in the end. Plus, you seem truly concerned, this “someone” will appreciate that, eventually.

Don’t give up on your friend,

Dear Lancey Poo,
What should I do if my dad is trying to develop our “father/daughter relationship?”

Independent Grasshopper

Hello Ms. Independent Grasshopper,
I think your pops is realizing that his little girl is in high school and he soon has to let you swim away into the vast amphibious kingdom of earth. Or maybe he realizes he has one chance left to get to know his daughter. In my opinion, I think you should encourage and acknowledge his efforts. Maybe it will help you to also get some closer before taking the plunge into the unknown. So, yea, be happy your old man cares and try to spend some quality time with him.

Your Free Flyin’ Guru,
Lancey Poo

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