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World War III Apocalypse (Radiation Desert)

By Sage Huskey

A method of attaining water is to take a clear plastic bag then dig a hole about three feet across and 18 inches deep. Next place a can in the middle, surround it with plants such as beaver tail cactus, moisten ground around it with undrinkable water and finally the lay plastic over the top and wait three hours. Just test it one someone else first to make sure there is no radiation poisoning. Wear enough clothes to shade your entire body from the sun and wear a makeshift hat on your head because 17% of heat enters through your head. You should sit 12” off of the desert floor because sand can get up to 180 F.

Earthquake Apocalypse

By Eddie Franco and Ruben Vega

First and foremost, right now stockpile your house with non-perishable foods and water. Even if your house is destroyed you can dig for the supplies and you will have a secret stockpile when all the stores are depleted because no one in society can hunt. The sun is the worst that can kill you, so find and create a shelter with a group of people. Do NOT stay by yourself; you are easy pickings that way. Attempt to camouflage your campsite. When you are choosing your campsite choose the high ground, in a cleared area, because you never know when the next aftershock will occur.  Last, learn how to fight with a knife. Bullets will run out quickly and you will need to hunt your own meat. 

X Apocalypse (Chemical Warfare) 

By Merrit Sanchez and Celia Rojas

In today’s times, chemical warfare is a real possibility. When it happens it is best to get to a bunker with a stockpile of food and water. If you can’t get to a bunker, attempt to fortify your house before the apocalypse. Find a room with no windows and seal it, and put in an air ventilator that recycles the air from that room only. Stockpile as much food and water as possible into that one room. Put a gas mask into the room, or better yet, put several. When the apocalypse happens, stay in for as long as possible. If you can’t do either these, pray that you are the ten percent of the population, adaptable enough or has a body quirk that makes you immune. Better yet, become a chemist so you can create your own cure.

Z Apocalypse (Zombies)

By Daniel Leon, Alex Winder, and Dorian Ramos

Be prepared for anything! You need the essentials: water, food, shelter, security… Get to the second floor of a house and destroy the stairs, zombies can’t climb. Or better yet, a boat in the river, zombies can’t swim. Just be careful when you leave to gather food and supplies. If someone leaves, check them everywhere for bite marks when they get back. Gather weapons such as words, shovels, hammers- items that can cause the maximum amount of slicing and smashing damage. Go for their legs and arms, if they can’t walk or crawl, they can’t get you. Last, be careful of the type of people you keep around you. There are those out there who would happily feed you to the zombies to save themselves! 

Polar Ice Caps Melt Apocalypse (Water World)

By Vince Guzman and Justin Ramos

A) Learn how to swim. B) Learn how to fix and or create boats from salvage. C) Become a cannibal or learn to fish. D) Learn to purify salt water or your own pee so you don’t dehydrate. E) Learn how to fight. People will attack you for what you have. F) If you are sociable, start creating a floating town. G) Become the leader of your floating town, so you do not have to take other people’s orders. H) Don’t die. I) Good luck.

Take-Over Apocalypse (Aliens)  

By Kaiser Aleksandr

Personal machete named the Liberator would be in my hands. Run around from city to city and look for supplies. If anyone tries to get in my way- chop their heads off. And if they are not hostile, they can temporarily join me until I get sick of them. If I want to destroy the aliens, I’d have to get aboard mother-ship-zeta. Kill all the aliens on board, but keep the ship. Then start an armada. Blow the aliens out of our airspace. Take the fleet to their planet and annihilate them all. Genocide rocks! I am now emperor of the alliance of planets that I have created. I am now the alien apocalypse. 

April's HOT Topic: Surviving the Apocalyse 101

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